Update FASTags KYC Now or Your Vehicle can be Blacklisted


Update FASTags KYC: After January 31, the issuing banks will deactivate or blacklist all FASTags with incomplete Know Your Customer (KYC), even if they have sufficient balance, as announced by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI). However, the initiative aims to discourage the use of a single FASTag for several vehicles or linking multiple electronic toll collection tools to a single vehicle.

“The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways said Monday, that NHAI initiated this step following recent reports of issuing multiple FASTags for a specific vehicle and issuing FASTags without KYC, which violates RBI’s mandate. In addition to this, some individuals intentionally do not attach FASTags to the vehicle’s windscreen, causing unwarranted delays at toll plazas and inconveniencing fellow National Highway users,” stated a release from the PIB.

How to see if your FASTag is active?

  • Click on the “Login” button at the top right of the website.

  • Enter information like your registered mobile number and password.

  • You’ll receive an OTP.

  • Once logged in, go to the “My Profile” part on the dashboard.

  • In the “My Profile” section, you can find the KYC status of your FASTag and the details you submitted during registration.

Documents required if FASTag KYC is pending

As per RBI guidelines, the FASTag KYC update requires any of the following documents: 

  1. Registration certificate of the vehicle
  2. Identity proof
  3. Address proof
  4. A passport-size photo

You can use Passport, Voter’s ID, Aadhar Card, Driving licence, PAN card, and NREGA Job card (signed by a State Government official) as identity and address proof.

How to update FASTag KYC online?

  • Visit the FASTag dedicated website:

  • Go to the “My Profile” section, 

  • Open the sub-section called “KYC” and update your required details.

  • Fill in the various fields by submitting the required identity and address proof documents. 

  • Upload a passport-sized photo

  • Check and confirm the declaration

  • Click the submit button

  • The KYC verification process will be completed by submitting the required documents.

  • Lastly, you can Update FASTags and KYC will be processed in a maximum of seven working days from the date of submission of your request for a KYC upgrade

However, the PIB release has further clarified that FASTag users must also comply with ‘One Vehicle, One FASTag’ and discard all the earlier issued FASTags through their respective banks. Only the latest FASTag account shall remain active as previous tags will be deactivated/blacklisted after 31st January 2024. Furthermore, for assistance or queries, FASTag users can reach out to nearest toll plazas or toll-free customer care number of their respective issuer banks.